Pipeline Inspection Services
Enerbay can provide various inspection services to ensure quality. This includes QA/QC , welding inspection, general NDT, Geotechincal /materials testing and Advanced NDT. Performing a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) could spell the difference between failure and serviceability. We ensure the reliability of assets and equipments used or installed in the pipeline industry. Conventional and advanced technologies include:
• Radiographic Testing
• Ultrasonic testing – Shear Wave
• Ultrasonic Testing – Thickness and Corrosion Survey
• Magnetic Particle testing
• Liquid Penetrant testing
• Positive Material Identification (PMI) Guided Wave Long Range Ultrasonic Testing of plant piping and pipelines (GWLRUT)
• Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) measurement without removal of insulation using Lixi Profiler System
• Magnetic Flux Leakage tank floor scanning (MFL)
• Ultrasonic C-scan remotely operated crawler
• Ultrasonic C-Scan corrosion mapping
• Fugitive Emission Leak Detection (Smart LDAR)
• Thermography
• Borescope/Videoscope Inspection
• Acoustic Emission (AE)
• Inspection of Boiler and Heat Exchanger tubes
• Ultrasonic Phased Array / TOFD examination
• Conventional NDT such as UT, RT, MT & PT