Enhanced Oil Recovery

Enerbay can provide expertise and state-of-the-art technologies to address the most difficult reservoir challenges. We can help maximize the recovery from any reservoir. The challenges can be low recovery from fields that are depleted; oil wet reservoirs, heavy oil reservoirs or excess of CO2. The solutions that we can provide are:

  • Surfactant Polymer for Heavy Oil
  • Additives for Steam Foam
  • Absorption Inhibitors
  • ASP / SP Flooding
  • Gas Foams
  • Water Management
  • Polymer Flooding
  • Wettability Alteration

The services we provide to increase the recovery begins with a prefeasibility study to identify the best solution for your reservoir. All the various solutions will be considered. An EOR screening tool is used to rank the EOR methods and indicates possible killing factors, conditional and unconditional test passes.
Subsequently a detailed analysis of reservoir materials is done. A thorough techno economical analysis of different water injection scenarios is performed to select the appropriate process. Extensive formulation screening and core flood experiments is carried out. A pilot design is created for the EOR process with modelling and reservoir simulation to optimize process. An operational risk assessment is conducted to ensure that the planned EOR program is safe. In conjunction with large scale surfactants suppliers we are able to execute the manufacturing process throughout the implementation phase.

